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6 UFC Fighters We Want Ronda Rousey to Face Before She Retires

UFC mega star Ronda Rousey has made waves in the past few weeks, as her comeback fight for UFC 206 was announced and then word broke that she may have her eye on retirement. 카지노사이트

Rousey was for the longest time best known as the best female fighter the UFC has ever seen, as she rattled off an amazing 12 straight wins to start what will undoubtedly fall as a legendary career. Rousey successfully defended her women’s Bantamweight title an impressive six times during her ridiculous run – one that included 11 first round finishes with nine wins coming by submission via her coined armbar.

Of course, by now we all remember Rousey as the champion that fell the hardest, when she lost to kickboxing champion Holly Holm in November of 2015.

Rousey understandably tried to take Holm out early, but foolishly decided to stand up and fight straight up – a style that isn’t exactly her strength. Rousey has power, strength, quickness and athleticism at her favor, but standing up with a pro like Holm that can deliver jabs and kicks freely and also defend at an elite level was a grave mistake.

A knockout handed Rousey her first career loss in the UFC and set her in a spiral – one that kept her out of the Octagon for over a year. This December she returns to take on a new opponent she’s never met – the vicious Amanda Nunes.

While Rousey’s next fight surely won’t be her final bout in the Octagon, she has already suggested that the end is near, stating on the Ellen Degeneres Show recently that she won’t be fighting “long” and that she’s getting close to “wrapping up” her career:

Regardless of that being the case or not, we sure hope Rousey has enough time and desire to fit in a few more fights. Here are six Ronda Rousey fights we want to see before she retires for good:

Rousey vs. Holly Holm II

This one ranks at the top for us for one reason: it’s Rousey’s lone loss:

Rousey might get her title back in her return at UFC 207, but even if she does there still is a piece of her that Holm stripped away that she only gets back with a win in what should be an intense rematch.

There is absolutely no denying that Holm has sputtered down the UFC ranks ever since that big win, of course, as she’s lost two straight matches after a 10-0 stat.

Still, Holm remains a top Bantamweight title contender and this rematch is going to be high on the UFC’s list. Rousey probably needs to get her belt back first for this to matter as much, but this one is coming and it’s going to be epic.

Rousey vs. Cyborg

After Rousey (maybe) takes down Nunes and redeems herself with a win over Rousey, she’ll have completed her journey full circle. She was the champ, she lost and then she returned to both take her title and then defend it against the only woman to beat her.

That’d be a great way to cap an amazing run in the UFC, but if that is it, we’d all be left wondering what would have happened in an uber-hyped clash with Cris “Cyborg” Justino.

These two have exchanged public jabs for years, yet due to weight class differences, they’ve never come close to actually dishing physical blows.바카라사이트

Whether or not Rousey gets back to the top is one thing, but before she’s done, this is absolutely a fight that has to happen. And Rousey wants it to:

Cyborg has been insanely dominant during her MMA career, with 17 straight wins following a loss in her pro debut back in 2005.

Not only is there miles of trash talk and bad blood here, but there are personal vendettas between the UFC’s most dominant female champion and a woman who hasn’t lost in 11 years.

Weight class and title aside, this fight needs to happen.

Rousey vs. Miesha Tate III

Ranking third in our list of Ronda Rousey fights that need to happen is one last clash with Miesha Tate. This would ring in as the third battle between these two UFC champs, which could complete a rivalry that ended with an armbar submission in favor of Rousey both times.

While the first two fights did not go as planned for the versatile and battle tested Tate, she did make it to round three in the second loss:

Tate also has an impressive resume under her belt. Not only has Tate won the women’s title twice, but she’s taken down Holly Holm and her last four losses have come to tough opponents in Nunes, Rousey (twice) and Cat Zingano.

Tate probably wouldn’t win the third fight with Rousey, but she’s deserving of one last try and it just might end up being for the belt again.

Rousey vs. Cat Zingano II

It’s debatable if we need or want a rematch between Rousey and Zingano, seeing as Rousey disposed of this brash fighter in just 13 seconds:

Still, there remains a strong argument for a rematch, as Zingano was a perfect 9-0 before running into Rousey, and there is no harm in giving her a second try to last a little longer.

She’s since dropped a second fight and obviously isn’t currently a top contender, but her resume speaks for itself with key wins over Amanda Nunes and Miesha Tate.

Zingano isn’t a lock to get a rematch with Rousey, but it’d be interesting to see how she’d fare in a second go around, seeing as she’s had solid success in the UFC through just 11 fights.

Rousey vs. Amanda Nunes II

Depending on how long Rousey wants to fight, a rematch with Nunes could quickly come to fruition. It could go either way, too, as Nunes has already declared that she will win at UFC 207 and is already letting it be known that Rousey will get a second shot at her:

Rousey doesn’t plan on losing in her comeback fight, but if she does, it would make sense that she’d take up Nunes’ offer to get a second crack at taking her title back. Even if Rousey wins, it could flip the other way, as well. Given how physical both of these fighters are, chances are we’ll relish at the opportunity to see a repeat showdown.

Rousey vs. Joanna Jedrzejczyk

In a sense, Jedrzejczyk has turned herself into the new Ronda Rousey. She hasn’t acquired the fame, amazing wins or the women’s title, but she also hasn’t lost.

During her time in mixed martial arts, Jedrzejczyk has been dominant overall, winning all 12 of her fights and doing so in a versatile manner. She can outlast you (7 Decisions), knock you out cold (4 KOs) or even submit you (one submission).

There is no bad blood or actual history here, but this would still be an intense fight – especially if by the time we got around to it, Jedrzejczyk was still undefeated.

Rousey beating Nunes would be one step closer to the end, but it also would bring her another step closed to whatever remaining challenges lie ahead of her. If she’s willing, a showdown with Joanna Jedrzejczyk could be a massive fight that either shows she has nothing left to prove or ends up being the proverbial passing of the torch.

End is Near

Rousey’s time in the Octagon has to end eventually, and it makes sense that she’s preparing her fans for her exit now at age 29. Not only has Rousey said in the past that she doesn’t wish to fight far past the age of 30, but there aren’t many milestones left in the sport for her to take down.

Object one lies ahead of her at UFC 207, where a win over Nunes shows the world three things: Nunes won’t be responsible for loss #2 on Rousey’s record, the dominant fighter we all grew to love is finally back and she’s once again the champion.

From there, we hope Rousey’s career wraps up in style, hopefully with some of the fights we touched on.온라인카지노

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